February 15, 2019

The Top 50 Best CrossFit Blogs In 2019

The Top Blogs In CrossFit Deserve Some Major Recognition

As the creators of gym management software specifically built to help CrossFit boxes grow and become more efficient, it’s absolutely vital for us to be in the know when it comes to the world of CrossFit.

There are thousands of blogs that discuss topics like nutrition, technique, and competitions—but today, we’re focusing on the cream of the crop.

Through our research, we’ve identified 50 blogs that time and time again live up to the highest standards—providing valuable information and high quality content for the CrossFit community.

Whether you’re a seasoned CrossFitter or are just interested in learning more, these blogs will provide you with all of the information you need to succeed.

The Selection Criteria

While most of the CrossFit blogs we selected for the top 50 have a large social media following and a get tons of monthly website traffic, those weren’t major factors in our selection process.

Here’s what we did take into account:

  1. Overall quality
  2. Uniqueness and originality of the blog and it’s topics
  3. The useful and actionable nature of the content

A Note On The Categories

Our 50 winners cover so many great topics that we felt it would be best to divide out best CrossFit blogs into two separate categories:

The first is Best General CrossFit Blogs. These are the blogs that provide great overall information on multiple topics that interest CrossFitters.

The second is Best CrossFit Blogs: Fitness, Health and Nutrition. These blogs do an especially great job covering the health and fitness side of CrossFit, so we decided to give them a special category.

Let’s check out the winners!

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Best CrossFit Blogs: General

Here is a list of the highest quality, most well-rounded blogs in all of CrossFit.

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CrossFit on Reddit

The CrossFit subreddit may just be the best CrossFit resource on the internet. Why? Because it boasts 73.7 thousand subscribers, with often over one thousand online at any given time. That translates into a forum chock full of videos, helpful information, advice, and competition updates. It’s also a great spot for niche information and random topics in the world of CrossFit, since there are so many different forum topics that your question will almost always be answered.

Barbell Shrugged

Barbell Shrugged is a podcast, but we’re still counting it as one of our top CrossFit blogs because it fully deserves that recognition. The Barbell Shrugged Podcast is loaded with helpful advice for CrossFitters, and the best part? Every episode focuses on a different topic, ranging from nutrition to getting rid of joint pain, and the special guests are foremost experts in their fields.

CrossFit on Google News

Are we cheating by including Google News in our “Top 50 CrossFit Blogs” post? We don’t think so. When it comes to news from the world of CrossFit, Google does a great job combining articles from across the internet to provide real time updates on what’s going on. If you’re an avid CrossFitter, and you want to stay plugged into the community, this is a must.


MentalityWOD provides a phenomenal array of CrossFit advice. The blog helps athletes control their mentality and motivation in order to drive improved results. It’s a creative take on CrossFit blogging and an excellent resource for athletes who want to break through to the next level. MentalityWOD also provides coaching and an online program.

Breaking Muscle

Simply put, Breaking Muscle is just a great all-around blog. It covers topics like nutrition, workout tips, motivation and technique, and is a can’t miss for both aspiring athletes and established ones. Many of the articles are written with a CrossFit perspective, so it fits very nicely on our list.

CrossFit Invictus

Like Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Invictus does an amazing job spanning numerous topics in the world of CrossFit. You will find articles on nutrition, warm-ups and even reviews of products designed for CrossFitters. You can’t go wrong following this blog.

The WODcast Podcast

Another podcast? Definitely. The WODcast is a funny, no frills approach to commentary on a great deal of topics in the CrossFit world. Don’t get us wrong, “funny” doesn’t mean that it’s not useful. In fact, the podcast is an excellent resource for just about anyone interested in competitive exercising.

The CrossFit Journal

How could we possibly not include a blog from CrossFit? Aside from the fact that this is CrossFit’s official blog, it’s an extremely high quality resource for all things CrossFit, with WOD videos, amazing stories, recipes and more. The CrossFit Journal should be in every CrossFitter’s bookmark bar.

Catalyst Athletics

Catalyst Athletics is one of the most comprehensive sources of Crossfit-related content out there. The content library, spanning topics ranging from olympic lifting to mobility training is sure to have something (and probably multiple things) for everyone. Another resource that all competitive athletes should keep in their back pocket.

Maverick CrossFit

Looking for a great WOD resource? Check out Maverick CrossFit, a Melbourne, FL-based gym with a unique approach to fitness training.

Good For You CrossFit

Good For You CrossFit’s blog mixes actionable content with funny opinion pieces that are entertaining and captivating. Active CrossFitters will get a kick out of this blog.

CrossFit on Pinterest

Again, not exactly a blog, per se, but a lot of the great content leads to some of the best blogs in the fitness industry. Not to mention, a simple search for “CrossFit” on Pinterest turns up with hundreds of workouts, stretches, pieces of helpful advice and motivational quotes. If you haven’t already, create a Health and Fitness Pinterest board to save all of the great information you find!

Kipping It Real

If you’re looking for an incredibly original blog in the CrossFit realm, look no further. Kipping It Real is a no nonsense source of commentary, product reviews and overall excellent content for CrossFitters. This is the blog for you if you adore CrossFit and want to add a more personal and casual perspective to your content roundup.

Girls Gone Strong

Girls Gone Strong is a one-stop resource for lady CrossFitters to learn new workouts and read expert advice. Check out their articles and videos for vast quantities of fantastic content that will help you thrive as an athlete. Girls Gone Strong also offers a Coaching and Training Women Academy, aimed at improving the way health and fitness information is presented to women.

CrossFit New England

If you’re looking for great WODs, CrossFit New England is the place to go. It doesn’t matter if you’re halfway across the country—use CrossFit New England’s daily updates as a daily challenge and you won’t regret it.

San Francisco CrossFit

Another great WOD resource. San Francisco CrossFit offers a variety of training programs, and they do a tremendous job updating the site daily.

Foundation CrossFit

Need a new resource for WODs, or numerous articles walking you through exercises and good form? Foundation CrossFit, based in Seattle, is a great blog to check in on.

CrossFit Plus

CrossFit Plus’ blog is what every health and fitness blog should be: Comprehensive and useful. Not only does it discuss specific workouts and competitions, but it also covers important health topics like sleep, hydration and and vitamin intake. This Australia-based site is one for the bookmark bar.

Starting Strength

Starting Strength is an unbelievable resource for competitive athletes and novices alike who want to dive into the specifics of their lifts. It examines form, the reasons certain lifts should be done in certain ways, and the physiology behind it all. This is a can’t miss blog.

CrossFit Rook

CrossFit Rook balances fun reading with useful concepts that can be applied to an athlete’s every day.

CrossFit Kanna

CrossFit Kanna perfectly combines content aimed at making athletes better, and more general content pertaining to safety, getting started as a CrossFitter, and CrossFit gear. It’s a phenomenal all-around resource that should be on every athlete’s radar.

The Box

A magazine? Don’t worry, it’s a blog—and a great one at that. The Box’s blog covers a vast array of CrossFit-related topics, from nutrition to motivation. It also covers specific training methods and their benefits. If you’re an avid CrossFitter, you need to check out this blog and subscribe to the newsletter.

The Barbell Spin

Between comprehensive guides, video interviews and an excellent podcast, The Barbell Spin provides actionable advice that’s useful to just about any competitive athlete—experienced or enthusiastic beginner.

CrossFit Central

CrossFit Central’s blog is a good mix of dietary advice and solid CrossFit advice. While CrossFit Central is located in Austin, Texas, the vast majority of blog content is widely applicable and useful to anyone who is interested in learning more about fitness.

CrossFit's Funny Side

If you’re an avid CrossFitter, you’ll appreciate this resource. It’s not exactly a blog, more so a resource for funny CrossfFt-related memes and GIFs, but you’re bound to get a kick out of it, and we guarantee you will want to share it with your CrossFit buddies. Enjoy!

Alchemy CrossFit

Alchemy CrossFit’s blog is a great all-around resource for experienced and aspiring athletes alike. With numerous articles providing helpful health and performance advice, the Hamilton, Ontario-based blog is an excellent follow.

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Best CrossFit Blogs: Fitness, Health and Nutrition

Here are the best blogs in the world of CrossFit covering fitness, health and nutrition.

Lift Big Eat Big

Lift Big Eat Big’s blog is an apt title for this blog, which focuses on weightlifting and nutrition. Coach Brandon Morrison offers training, consulting and delicious recipes—and as it turns out—he’s an engaging writer as well.

CrossFit Movement Library

This is more of a resource than it is a blog, but it’s too good not to share. The CrossFit Movement Library has great video content for multiple variations of many exercises. You can learn all of the movements along with optimal form, and the muscles that are being engaged.

Four Barrel Fitness

Four Barrel Fitness is another great source for WODs, but also includes a number of other content types that add value to anyone who loves CrossFit.

The Rx Review

One of the most comprehensive blogs in the world of fitness and health, The Rx Review touches on every topic you can dream of that even marginally touches the fitness industry. From reviews of dietary supplements to health tips and optimal training advice, you may as well make it your homepage.

Tabata Times

Yet another unbelievable resource for CrossFitters, Tabata Times covers a wide gamut of fitness topics like weightlifting misconceptions and common mistakes CrossFitters make. With three prolific columnists, there’s always great original content to consume.

John Welbourn

John is a former NFL athlete and current CrossFit ambassador, having founded Johnny WOD. His blog is full of entertaining think-pieces that are relevant to the world of CrossFit. If you’re into CrossFit and you want to follow a blog with a community feel that’s about more than facts and tips, John Welbourn’s blog is for you.

Nia Shank

Nia Shanks’ blog is an excellent resource for women who need a health, nutrition and fitness resource. With helpful advice, tips and think pieces based on personal experience, the newsletter is a must-subscribe.

Carrots 'N' Cake

Tina is a wife, mother and passionate CrossFit trainer. It shows in her blog, which contains relevant and useful insights for family minded men and women who share her passion for fitness. The prolific blog includes sections on nutrition (with tons of great recipes), self-care and fitness. You’ll have trouble running out of interesting articles to read.

Barbells and Beards

Barbells & Beards is a fun and useful resource for CrossFitters and general fitness enthusiasts. The blog includes sections on fitness foods, CrossFit gear, grooming and training. Once again, good luck not getting sucked in!

Sarah Fragoso

Another outstanding addition to our best CrossFit Health and Fitness Blogs list, Sarah Fragoso’s blog pulls out all the stops—from a phenomenal podcast to thoughtful blog posts about self-improvement and enrichment, this blog is for the CrossFitter who wants to improve in all walks of life, including health and fitness.

Robb Wolf

Robb Wolf’s blog is primarily focused on health and nutrition, and boy does it deliver! With numerous pieces on The Paleo Diet, a must-listen podcast and sections on sleep and fitness, this blog should be a daily companion to anyone who’s serious about health and fitness.

The Paelo Diet

The Paleo Diet is… you guessed it: The foremost website on The Paleo Diet and the movement founded by Loren Cordain, PhD. Not an avid follower of The Paleo Diet? No problem. The blog has tons of resources that cover various nutritional advice and diet types. You can also find great recipes, so what’s not to love?

Solcana Fitness

Solcana Fitness is a Minneapolis-based gym with blog that shares helpful advice as well as personal case studies that should be of interest to any CrossFitters who want to learn more about their community. Whether you’re local to the area or not, you’re sure to enjoy the content on this blog.

Badger CrossFit

Badger CrossFit goes above and beyond posting daily workouts (although the ones they provide are excellent) and includes a great section on nutrition. If you live in Wisconsin, Badger CrossFit needs to be on your radar. If not, check it out for great nutrition advice and WODs!

Gain Fitness

Gain Fitness is a UK-based fitness blog that focuses a majority of its content on competition advice. With titles like “Learn When to Recover,” serious CrossFitters and aspiring competitive athletes should get on board.


Georgina brings us Fitcetera, another great UK-based fitness blog which chronicles her fitness and nutrition regimen. This is much more than a personal blog, however, as it provides informative and actionable knowledge that can be applied to any aspiring athlete’s fitness and nutrition journey.

That Squat Bot

UK-based Sarah, who has a passion for CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting, runs That Squat Bot. The CrossFit-centric blog covers just about any fitness-related topic you can imagine, from nutrition to health and various different types of fitness training.

CrossFit Leyland

CrossFit Leyland, a great all-around CrossFit blog, does an excellent job covering a wide variety of CrossFit topics, not focusing too much on any one aspect. From advice on supplements to tips for pushing through plateaus, CrossFit Leyland is a great blog for all fitness enthusiasts.

Onnit Academy

While Onnit Academy’s blog isn’t fully CrossFit-centric, it deserves a solid spot on our list due to its sheer quality, utility and comprehensiveness. With articles on fitness, health, and specific training tips—all published by certified fitness trainers and experts—Onnit academy is the ultimate one-stop shop for health and fitness advice.

Words with Lisbeth

Looking for a fitness-minded blog that focuses more on lifestyle, mentality and unique ideas than it does on detailed fitness advice? Words with Lisbeth is for you. It’s easy to get lost in this blog (in a good way!) with all of the great motivational content.

Stronger By Science

When evaluating fitness and health blogs, we particularly love the ones that are unlike anything else in the industry. Stronger By Science fits that bill, with extremely interesting science-based articles that shed new light on aspects of health and fitness we may not think about as much as we should. If you are a serious CrossFit athlete, or even if you simply value living a fit and healthy life, Stronger By Science should be on your shortlist.


BoxRox Competitive Fitness Magazine is one of the most multifaceted CrossFit blogs out there. With resources like “The Official BoxRox Beginner’s Guide” and “7 Training Techniques No CrossFitter Can Afford to Miss,” BoxRox has a great deal of actionable knowledge to offer beginners and experts alike.

Boxlife Magazine

A magazine? Don’t worry, it’s a blog—and a great one at that. The Box’s blog covers a vast array of CrossFit-related topics, from nutrition to motivation. It also covers specific training methods and their benefits. If you’re an avid CrossFitter, you need to check out this blog and subscribe to the newsletter.

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