From time to time, you may need to add an admin role to a new or existing staff member within WODHOPPER, such as a Community Coordinator. Doing so is easy.
1.First, add the person as an Athlete (if you haven't already done this). Their email address will become their login.
2. Assign the role of “Community Coordinator” to that athlete. Go to "Athletes," then "Athlete Record" then "Roles." Swipe on the left side on "Community Coordinator” to assign the role.
3. Create an account and log in from a web browser. The username will be the email address on file. The login URL is the same link used by members. Note: A phone browser will work for this too!
4. The new administrative privileges will now be available under that member's menu. They will be able to access things like the Communication Portal, Risk/Retention Reports, and attendance reports.
That's it!
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